Thursday, January 28, 2010

1/28/2010- Scary Monster Spinach Knish

Another charben attempt. Everyone is shocked, I know. I had intended to just take this lovely spinach knish from the deli counter, but it looked sooooo monstrous in the box...well, the carrot decorations just got away from me.

Contents of Bento: Massively scary spinach knish monster with carrot fangs, eyes, and toes (feet-idies). Decorated (?) radish, pomegranate seeds, broccoli sauteed with garlic and soy sauce, red pepper spread in the pink silicon cup. It sort of looks like the monster's gore, or something.

I know this definitely doesn't qualify as "pretty," but I think it's pretty funny, so maybe that works. I suppose I should have put some of the "gore" around his mouth. I thought the yellow stains from when the knish was originally cooked looked fearsome enough.

I took the knish out to heat it. Everything else was deeeeeelicious. The broccoli was part of what HB made the night before for dinner. I have been up to my eyeballs in school work (3 projects due on the 30th. wtf??) so he has been bringing me a study dinner in my little office. Verrrry nice :D and prevents me from subsisting entirely on granola bars and tea.


  1. Is it just me or does that knish make me think of the phrase "fangoriously devoured"?
