Thursday, November 5, 2009

Retro posted from 10/20/2009-Vegetable Okazu

If my memory serves me correctly, I tried to make this bento as authentic as possible. Except for the fact that I made it the night before and stuck it in the fridge. I may be to the point of mania where I take pictures of my lunch, but I'm not yet at the point where I get up 2 hours early in the morning to make it up.

Contents of bento: rice, with thawed frozen sour cherry in the middle (no, I did not yet locate umeboshi plums....) cucumber frame. On the right side, it's hard to see, but there is more cucumber, a little blue silicon cup of frozen blueberries and sour cherries, and 2 wing-a-lings. On the bottom is the vegetable okazu I made up from scratch--a simple sautee. It has in it all five colors (woo!): onion (white), purple cabbage, red pepper, celery (which I'm counting as green) and corn (yellow). Hurray! I think it also had some pickapepper sauce on it. I also packed a babybel cheese, as you can see.

I think the rice in this one was put into the box straight from the rice cooker. I also think that the cucumber may have kept it moist. But really, I have no real idea if I solved the problem of dry, horrible, leftover rice (which should be repurposed and fried, not stuffed into a bento to take up space and provide starch). *gets down off of soap box*

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