Thursday, November 5, 2009

11/5/2009- Rice and Eggplant Bento

So it's been about 1-million years since I posted. Mostly because I have been too busy to take pictures, name them, and re-size them so they load nicely. But I was thinking about some stuff that my friend CB sent me, which I'm going to post next, and feeling guilty for not posting my own stuff, when I was planning on posting what someone else did.

Enough. Now a very boring bento:

Contents: Rice with ground, toasted white sesame and black sesame seed; Eggplant stir fry, a small piece of gingerbread pudding in the blue cup, one prune, a triangle of La Vache Qui Rit with carrots underneath.
I also brought some miso soup, so that I can have something warm. It has started getting chilly here and as usual in the fall, I have a hard time making sure I'm wearing enough layers when I got out of the house. I feel like it's too warm in the mornings for a coat, but that's probably not true.

The rice was fresh from the rice cooker when it went into the box. Sadly, not the best texture at lunchtime. Not the worst, either, but I think I need to consult some of of the gurus in the bentoblogosphere to see if I can find some advice. I don't think it's the box, because the amazing Totoro Bento Box is pretty air/water tight....

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