Thursday, September 3, 2009

6/12/09 Bento- veg gyoza

The last of the four previously photographed bentos. I'm going to need to start packing a bento lunch again so I can get some more photos. It's kind of disappointing I only took four pictures. Some of them were really cute...

Bento contents, in glasslock: Four vegetable gyoza (steamed in the microwave--fast and not too bad for texture); three stuffed mini peppers-orange and red, with parsley and scallion hummus;
steamed broccoli; cucumber and strawberry gap fillers; and two dark chocolate covered cashews in a foil piece at the bottom.
Not pictured: two fishes filled with soy/rice vinegar for the gyoza (they just didn't fit in the box).

The gyoza are from Trader Joe's. I have, in the past, fry/steamed frozen gyoza, but this time I just microwave-steamed them. They were a little stuck together, but tasted fine. I would also like to note that it's bad luck to serve them in groups of even numbers, five is the standard serving. (I did read this somewhere, that five was a lucky number for gyoza, but I can't seem to find a link/reference.) But four were what fit, so that's what I used. I would like to note that nothing terrible befell me that day, at least as far as I can remember!

The foil under the cashews was to prevent the chocolate coating from getting soggy. It only worked somewhat. They were a little damp, but still tasty.

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